"Gene McConnell".
Saat masih banyak orang pintar masih berdebat mengenai apa definisi pornografi, pornoaksi, dlsb.
Saat masih banyak orang terpelajar yang menimbang-nimbang baik buruknya pornografi
Saya hanya duduk didepan komputer, membaca artikel-artikel, berita dan sebagainya, kemudian saya simpulkan dalam sebuah blog.
Baiklah, mari kita bicara tentang gambar-gambar bugil dan video-video porno yang banyak terserak diantero web yang menurut saya adalah sebuah pornografi, entah itu memiliki nilai artistik, seni, ataupun nilai religius sekalipun, bagi saya pribadi gambar yang mengumbar aurat adalah pornografi dan saya tidak tertarik untuk mendengar atau berdebat dengan siapapun mengenai definisi ini, jika anda memiliki definisi lain, silahkan tuliskan di blog anda. Dalam tulisan ini jika saya mengatakan pornografi tanpa membedakannya dengan pornmovie, maka yang saya maksud adalah dua-duanya.
Adalah naif, untuk tidak mengatakan bodoh: jika kita berfikir bahwa apa yang kita lihat tidak mempengaruhi kita. Akuilah bahwa musik yang enak, film yang bagus atau buku yang bermutu sangat berguna bagi hidup kita. Semua itu membuat kita terhibur, mendidik bahkan menggugah dan memberi semangat bagi kita. Cukup jelas bukan, sesuatu yang baik memberi manfaat dan berguna bagi kita. Sulit rasanya untuk tidak percaya bahwa film porno, gambar porno dan buku cerita porno tidak memiliki efek buat para konsumennya.
Yah, konsumen. Karena pornografi atau pornmovie adalah sebuah produk dari industri dengan omset yang besar.
Pornografi dibuat bukan untuk pendidikan tapi untuk di jual.
Dalam sebuah artikel, Gene McConnell mengurai 9 kebohongan dan kebodohan industri porno.
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Untuk yang berbahasa Indonesia, topik sejenis dapat anda temukan disitus JBDK.ORG
You can't learn the truth about sex from pornography. It doesn't deal in truth.
Pornography is not made to educate, but to sell. So, pornography will tell whatever lies attract and hold the audience.
Porn thrives on lies
-- lies about sex, women, marriage and a lot of other things. Let's look at some of those lies and see just how badly they can mess up your life and
� Lie #1 - Women are less than human
The women in Playboy magazine are called "bunnies," making them cute little animals or "playmates," making them a toy.
Penthouse magazine calls them "pets."
Porn often refers to women as animals, playthings, or body parts. Some pornography shows only the body or the genitals and doesn't show the face at all. The idea that women are real human beings with thoughts and emotions is played down.
� Lie #2 - Women are a "sport"
Some sports magazines have a "swimsuit" issue.
This suggests that women are just some kind of sport. Porn views sex as a game and in a game, you have to "win," "conquer," or "score." Men who buy into this view like to talk about "scoring" with women. They start judging their manhood by how many "conquests" they can make. Each woman I "score" with is another trophy on my shelf, another "notch" in my belt to validate my masculinity.
� Lie #3 - Women are property
We've all seen the pictures of the slick car with the sexy girl draped over it. The unspoken message, "Buy one, and you get them both." Hard-core porn carries this even further. It displays women like merchandise in a catalog, exposing them as openly as possible for the customer to look at. It's notsurprising that many young men think that if they have spent some money taking a girl out, they have a right to have sex with her. Porn tells us that women can be bought.
� Lie #4 - A woman's value depends on the attractiveness of her body
Less attractive women are ridiculed in porn. They are called dogs, whales, pigs or worse, simply because they don't fit into porn's criteria of the "perfect" woman. Porn doesn't care about a woman's mind or personality, only her body.
� Lie #5 - Women like rape
"When she says no, she means yes" is a typical porn scenario. Women are shown being raped, fighting and kicking at first, and then starting to like it. Porn teaches men to enjoying hurting and abusing women for entertainment.
� Lie #6 - Women should be degraded
Porn is often full of hate speech against women. Women are shown being tortured and humiliated in hundreds of sick ways and begging for more. Does this kind of treatment show any respect for women? Any love? Or is it hatred and contempt that porn is promoting toward women?
� Lie #7 - Little kids should have sex
One of the biggest sellers in pornography is imitation "child" porn. The women are "made-up" to look like little girls by wearing pony tails, little girl shoes, holding a teddy bear. The message of the pictures and cartoons is that adults having sex with kids is normal. This sets the porn user up to see children
in a sexual way.
� Lie #8 - Illegal sex is fun
Porn often has illegal or dangerous elements thrown in to make sex more "interesting." It suggests that you can't enjoy sex if it isn't weird, illegal or dangerous.
� Lie #9 - Prostitution is glamorous
Porn paints an exciting picture of prostitution. In reality, many of the women portrayed in pornographic material are runaway girls trapped in a life of slavery. Many having been sexually abused. Some of them are infected with incurable sexually transmitted diseases that are highly contagious and often die very young. Many take drugs just to cope.
Well done. Now I see brigthter what the meaning of Naked Capitalist.